1. The first shot will be of the 'ScrudWorks Productions' logo.
2. A black screen will appear and then fade into shot 3.

5. Meduim shot - into the room, no one can be seen at this point. The camera pans around the room, white noise appears on the tv (this links to the effects in The Ring), suggesting someone has been there. The room is a mess with magazines, newspapers and smashed photo frames scattered everywhere.

4. (swap with shot before) Shot focuses on a fireplace, the ringing noise on the mobile can still be heard as the camera then pans around the room.

6. Signs of a struggle is connoted through objects such as chairs being tipped onto the floor...

7. ...along with the curtain blowing in the wind with signs that someone has been in the house. Around the chair are scattered newspapers, and cardboard boxes etc.

8. A close up of a hand shows a watch, with the camera specifically focusing on it and then zooming in. The camera then comes to focus on two bodies lying on the floor, a man and a woman, who look to be dead.
The camera then zooms out from the watch, connoting a flashback in time, with the watch appearing on the wrist of a man. Other various shots show a man and woman - a couple - unwrapping photo frames and boxes. The couple then hear a faint sound (either a knock or a smash of an object) to which a look of panic becomes apparent on their faces.

9. The shot then cuts to a black screen, where the audience hear a woman's voice which whispers ''He's here..'' suggesting they know who or what is coming for them.

10. An extreme close up of the woman's eyes rapidly opening begins the montage sequence of 'flashforwards' - in which time goes quickly showing how they come to be lying on the floor, apparently 'dead'. Loud non-diegetic music begins, almost a face paced pulse sound.

11. A high angle shot shows a woman to be hiding behina a wall, with the legs of the killer being seen, however the viewer doesn't see his face at all through the teaser trailer. The girl is trembling in shock, not knowing that the killer is right at the side of her, behind the wall.

12. A meduim shot of a broken photo frame appears, reiterating a struggle and violence.

13. A hand of the killer is shown to be gripping onto a door, with the girl trying to keep it shut.

14. Quick, rapid shots of a knife appears, with what looks to be blood on it - this reiterates the fact that this is a horror teaser trailer, and coincides with the typical conventions of a slasher trailer.

15. A low angle close up shot - The hand of the killer grabs the girl and prevents her from screaming, connoting shock and ambiguity as to whether she survives.

16. The camera again focuses back on the 'dead' bodies, both lying still with drops of blood and scars on them.
17. The last shot is of a cabinet or draws - with the hand suddenly gripping onto it, it being the hand with the watch on, showing the audience that the man of the couple may not be dead after all.
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