In terms of influences on our horror teaser trailer, after previously looking at the genre but with a slight twist on it being in the form of parody, films such as The Strangers and The Blair Witch Project are ones which have had slight influences on the way our idea for our trailer has developed. In terms of our previous work on teaser trailers, The Strangers was a trailer which we felt was one that related to how our plot will unfold. This is because the teaser trailer will begin with a slower pace, in order for a scene to be set for the audience. Parts of the story will be given away, but like any teaser trailer, there are ambiguous shots and dialogue, which leaves the audience questioning what is happening. The use of fake 'blood' will be required in order to make it look more of a typical 'slasher' film, and less of a thriller. In terms of The Blair Witch Project, the way in which the story develops links with our idea as the characters in the film are being followed, in which it reaches a deathly climax. The characters in our trailer also are 'followed' or attacked, with certain aspects suggesting that they know the killer, unlike the random murders in The Strangers. However like any teaser trailer, the ending isn't given away, but it leaves it open for the audienc to question what has or will happen.
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