This is one of many posters for the film 'The Hangover'.
The bright white letters contrasted against the dark black background grabs the attention of an audience, however the placing of the title at the bottom of the poster doesn't show the title as well as it could, something we would have to think about when we create our own poster for a teaser trailer. The three main characters that were in the trailer are shown in this poster, suggesting these are the characters that the plot is based around. The man holding the baby is situated at in the foreground, with both wearing classes connoting some importance to the relation of the two. The sunglasses could be a representation of either stupidity or quest for coolness as the bright ceiling lights shows there's no need to wear them. The man with the glasses is holding a cloth up to his mouth, continuing on from the trailer where he appears to have lost his tooth. The character that is the smallest on the poster at the back looks bewildered but the characters are placed more or less equally when shown in height suggesting they are all as important as each other.
Other posters show individual characters in the film with certain specific taglines to their roles that they play.
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